It is known, that the main part of energy of the steam-power plant is lost in the condenser and only about 13 % is used for fulfilment of useful work. Petroleum-powered piston or gas turbine engines are similar, except that the hot gases are let out not in the condenser but through the exhaust directly into the air. This inefficient use of thermal energy by modern heating machines is enough to precipitate an environmental crisis arising to the end of our century.
Let us use Carnot’s classical formula for efficiency
where T1 and T2 are the temperatures of a heater and refrigerator respectively.
We can see that if we could design a condenser capable, in addition to the usual expansion of the steam, of turning the lost heat energy into useful mechanical work, we would raise the efficiency dramatically. In view of the above, let us consider VZLOT’s design for a Steam-Gas Turbine Power Plant (Fig. 3), A thermoisolated case 1, encloses a vortical steam-gas-generator 2, air compressor 3, steam turbine 6, pump-condenser 7, expansioner 8 and vortical separators 9. If necessary, we mount a high-speed electric generator 11 with steam suspention and cooling on the shaft of the turbine 6. All the components are included in a common thermodynamic cycle. Fuel 4 and water 5 tanks and their boost pumps 13 may be mounted outside the thermoisolated case 1.
The working body (steam) is cooled in an expansioner 8 to a temperature near the temperature of the outside environment and then separated in a vortical separator 9. The gas fraction (in main, CO2) exhausts 10 to the atmosphere while the liquid (H2 O) returns to the water tank 5, from which it continues its internal circulation. The excess energy capacity of the condenser can be harnessed either through an electrical network 14 with switchboards 12 and external output 15, or by utilizing the turbine through the mechanical shaft 16.
- Absence of the traditional steam boiler and its a heater, hot pipes, water supply, and other equipment and spent substances, which increase total weight, complicate maintenance and reduce resources;
- Compact size and small specific weight due to the high rotational speeds of the power plant; size, weight and efficiency sufficient even for VTOL aircraft;
- Practically unlimited work potential, with moderate thermal loading and contactless suspention of all rotating components;
- High power efficiency with practically zero environment impact.
Tentative estimates show that this Steam Gas Turbine Power Plant should have high rotational speeds, which allow their specific weight to reach a level commensurate with existing air power plants. They are capable of power outputs of tens to thousands of kilowatts, at thermal efficiencies near to 0,9.