Offered the RTC VZLYOT the ecological clean power plants allow to expand directions of searching of optimum versions of the ecological clean transport means of individual use, for a short, Ecomobiles that is reflected on the generalized scheme of their classification (Fig. 13).

For series ecomobile main is to choice of a power source. Really it is possible to be guided by three kinds indicated on the scheme:charging outside electric current, cleared carbohydrarium fuel and solar energy. Their customers, accordingly, are three kinds of the power plants two of which – the Hyperflywheel and the Steam-Gas Turbine are considered above.The battery for electromobile are well-known. In a combination to various transforming and executive aggregates on their basis eight types of the ecomobiles can be considered, by way of enumeration on the scheme, at least: Giromobile, Hydromobile, Airmobile, Endlessmobile, Doublemobile, Turbomobile, Simplemobile and Electromobile.
Last of them, on which already more than of the thirty years is layed by large hopes, not accidentally costs in the end of the scheme. It is not the ecological clean device since because of small speed of chemical responses in chemical accumulators it is impossible yet in a principle to ask the question about restored of energy. Therefore, all thermal losses of the Electromobiles will again appear in an environment. The batteries charge with share out of gases and steams of an acid is not the ecological clean process. At last, low safe life and the small power consumption of the chemical batterces require their frequent replacement and industrial processing that at series maintenance nor improves ecological conditions. Generally, before to develop prospective engineering it is useful, as was spoken above, to glance in last. On photos (Fig.14-A) are shown the electromobiles which, by carefulness of a furnishing and advertising inscriptions, were a usual appearance on streets of London at the end of the last century. In London there was also the ancestor the Gyromobile – girocar, design by À.Shilovski (Fig.14-B). Essentially it represented a large motorcycle with the petrol engine. The steel flywheel located under a floor of passenger interior was used only for stabilization of motion.
Due to a gyroscopic effect created by the flywheel, last saved stability on two wheels even at parking. As it was marked in the newspapers of that time, “the girocar purposely went as it is possible slower, thus the passengers could in motion change places and even jump on ground and to sit again of any damage for stability of its motion”.

Unfortunately, this vehicles cannot be recognized by the prototype for development, as well as the electromobiles, modern and centuny prescription, not enough energy accumulated to supply normal maintenance.
High values of specific energy accumulated, as was marked above, the Hyperflywheel allow to consider the Giromobile with this device alternatively not only traditional automobile, but also an electromobile. Executed initial concepts have shown that on this basis it is possible to create series ecological clean Giromobile with distance of motion at a single charge of energy up to 2,000 kms. Steam-Gas Turbine Power Plant in an ideal determines the Turbomobile with its unique operational properties, for example, propellant consumption about 0,5 ls per 100 km.